The Coolest Kitchen Feature Any Serious Home Baker Will Freak Out Over — Organizing for Bakers
This is the kitchen of the late Flo Braker, a well-known cookbook author and baking professional, who some call the "patron saint of all pastry makers." Fine Cooking magazine photographed her kitchen, a sprawling space with all sorts of clever design details that would make any baker envious: yards of granite countertop to roll out dough, racks of rolling pins for every conceivable use, perfectly organized drawers of pastry tips and biscuit cutters. It's really a thing of beauty, even for someone like me who can burn a chocolate chip cookie with no effort at all.
There's one feature in her kitchen that I have never seen before, and it's brilliant. It seriously blew my mind. It's super smart and it's something that could honestly help out even the terrible bakers among us.
The trick: She had a little channel dug out on her countertops to hold eggs.
Not egg carton style, with the little cups. Just a little dip, about an inch wide and a foot long, which will keep her eggs lined up while they wait to be added to cake batter, a soufflé, or an omelet. It's not so deep that it can't be cleaned, and it's the same material as the rest of the countertop, so it doesn't break up the look of the space. It saves time having to go back and forth to the fridge and eliminates the risk of a runaway egg. I know I'm often cradling the eggs in a dish towel or balancing them on the edge of a cutting board to keep them from rolling away, and inevitably I forget they're there and they start rolling around while I'm in the midst of a recipe. Annoying — and dangerous!
Sadly, this isn't something you can easily recreate at home — do not start drilling into your countertops, I beg you! — but you can add it to your wish list for when you have enough money for that dream kitchen renovation you've been building on Pinterest.
What about you — would you add this to your kitchen?