The Best Ways to Organize, Care for, and Take Advantage of Your Freezer — The Best of 2017

December 27, 2017

Even the most organized home cook tends to have a messy freezer. Why is that? It doesn't have to be that way! We spent the past year writing about all sorts of tips for cleaning the freezer, organizing it, and just taking better advantage of it.

Here's what you should do in 2018.

1. Know how to clean it.

Just like your fridge, your freezer needs cleaning. It'll probably need it less often, but it still has to happen.

2. Don't just throw stuff in there.

With just a few shelves, a freezer can be a complicated space to organize. Steal a few of these smart ideas and your freezer will look like it belongs in a magazine.

3. Keep the right things in it.

The freezer is often where things go to die. Stop forgetting about the stuff in there and start really taking advantage of it.

4. Get smarter about freezer burn.

An aggressive case of freezer burn can ruin a good carton of ice cream. Can you still eat it? Can you prevent it from happening in the first place? We have all the answers.

5. And storing the essentials.

Almost every freezer in America has ice cream, chicken, bread, and a few other essentials. (Yes, we just called ice cream an essential.) Earlier this year, we wrote about how to store each of these items and how long they'll last in the freezer.

6. Cook — and shop — with your freezer in mind.

When handled correctly, your ice box can do more than just stash leftovers. If you shop and meal plan with your freezer in mind, it can be the perfect tool for pulling together a last-minute meal.

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