My Favorite Go-To Gifts for Two of Life's Biggest Events — The Best of 2017

December 27, 2017

I know the holidays are still being celebrated, but before you know it, spring is going to be here. And with the warmer weather will come the season for two of life's biggest events: graduations and weddings.

Because I know you'll be thinking about these things eventually, I wanted to wrap up two very popular posts from earlier this year. I wrote about the best gifts I received for these major life events (gifts which I now give to everyone else reaching the same milestones). Don't worry — I stole the ideas from other people, so I won't mind if you steal them too!

For Graduations

I was strapped for cash when I graduated college, so you can probably guess how I felt when one of my mom's life-long friends handed me a giant box during a mini graduation party in my parents' backyard. I knew right away it wasn't money, but it took me many years to realize how much I actually appreciated the gift.

What was inside? A ton of glass food storage containers. I was gracious at the time (and yes, I sent a proper thank you card), but I wasn't super excited by the gift. I got there eventually. It just took me a while to realize how incredibly practical the present would be. I've since given similar sets to college grads in my life.

Find out why they were so great: The Best Gift I Got When I Graduated College

For Weddings

When I got married four years ago, my friends turned our wedding invitation into a decoupaged glass tray. Yes, that thing you're looking at above is our actual wedding invitation — in tray form.

It's entirely food-safe and can simply be wiped clean, although we don't even use it for serving. Instead of hiding it away in the kitchen, we keep it by our front door; it's where we drop our keys when we get home at the end of the night. This way, we basically have to look at it at least twice a day.

It, of course, wasn't something we had asked for. I didn't even know it was an option until we unwrapped it! Now, I give it to everyone and you can too.

Steal this idea: The Best Wedding Gift I Received (That I Now Give to Everyone)

Do you have go-to gifts for these two special occasions? If so, what do you give?

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