Buy This Classic Cookie Cutter Set On Sale Today — Amazon Deal of the Day

December 15, 2017

While we're fully in the swing of the holiday season, it's still pretty likely that you have a full calendar of holiday commitments in the next week or so — office holiday potlucks, cookie swaps, family get-togethers, and the like.

And if you're still not sure what to bring to these holiday festivities (besides booze), cookies are always a good bet. Nobody's going to be mad at the person who showed up with cookies in tow. That's why you should snatch up this Christmas Cookie Cutter Set immediately.

Crafted out of stainless steel, the set of eight features fun shapes like a Christmas tree, snowman, sleigh, and reindeer, which will surely win you points at the office cookie swap (and possibly allow you to show up your arch-nemesis, Sheila from the Sales team. Sorry, Shelia!)

And hey, if you've got Amazon Prime, you can order it today and have cookies for Monday's holiday party ready to go. The magic of the internet — perfect for the holiday rush.

Delicious Holiday Cookie Recipes

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