These Are the Most-Googled Thanksgiving Recipes in Every State — Thanksgiving

November 20, 2017

Thanksgiving is this week, which means it is time for everyone to start anxiously planning menus and wishing they'd started shopping a month ago. But don't worry — if you're frantically googling recipes right now, you are not alone. According to Hayneedle, search data indicates that everyone is looking up last-minute Thanksgiving recipes. And somewhat surprisingly, most people are looking for desserts.

One might expect people to look for turkey or stuffing recipes. Turkey is the big showpiece of the meal, and there are tons of complicated stuffing recipes to choose from. But according to Google Trends data, desserts account for the most-searched-for Thanksgiving recipes in 48 out of 50 states.

The most-Googled Thanksgiving recipes are pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and apple pie, and their popularity varies strongly by region.

Pumpkin pie was by far the most popular Thanksgiving-related search term; it was the most-searched-for recipe in 26 states. Pecan pie is the most-googled Thanksgiving recipe in 12 states, while apple pie is the most-googled recipe in nine states.

Regionally, the West Coast and Midwest are looking up pumpkin pie, while the South is focusing on pecan pie. (Except Florida, which appears to have joined Team Pumpkin.) Apple pie is the most popular recipe in New England and Wisconsin.

Shockingly, there are only three states where the most-googled Thanksgiving recipe is not a pie. Illinois is looking for how to make sweet potatoes, Delaware is frantically googling "stuffing recipes," and Hawaii is searching for something called "pumpkin crunch."

Pumpkin crunch is a custardy pumpkin cake with a crunchy layer of nuts. The origins of pumpkin crunch are unclear, but it's wildly popular in Hawaii. One of the most popular pumpkin crunch recipes was created by famed Hawaiian chef Sam Choy, and it includes canned pumpkin, evaporated milk, walnuts, cinnamon, and a box of yellow cake mix.

People leave their recipe searches until the last minute, too. According to Google Trends data, people start googling "Thanksgiving desserts" in the last week of October, and the number of searches increases right up until Thanksgiving Day. The peak period for googling "Thanksgiving desserts" is the very week of Thanksgiving. because apparently a lot of people are starting to plan very late. As long as they're still looking, maybe someone should try the pumpkin crunch.

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