
This Simple Hack Will Make Your Baking Canisters a Million Times More Useful — Organizing for Bakers

November 30, 2017

I'm all about storing things based on how I use them. For example, I keep all of my coffee and tea things together, my cooking oils and vinegars on the same shelf, and my baking items all grouped together. I have always been pretty impressed with myself — and then I found one simple hack that made me feel a little silly. It was so simple and yet, I had never thought of it or seen it before.

Here's a hint: It involves temporary hooks and canisters.

The hack: Use an adhesive hook to hang a measuring cup from the back of your canisters. I love this idea for a few reasons.

1. It's convenient!

Most of us use our measuring cups for the same thing over and over — the one-cup measurer for flour, or the half-cup for oatmeal, for example. I've found I use my 1/3 cup size almost exclusively for making rice. So it just makes sense to store the cup with the ingredient you most often use it for; this way it's always handy.

And when it comes time to use that measuring cup for something else, it's easier to remember where it is by association, versus rummaging through a drawer to find out where it's wandered off to.

2. It's less germ-y.

When I was growing up, my mom always kept a measuring cup inside her flour canister. While we could always find it, you could pretty much only use it for flour, and your hands always got all flour-y when you reached in there. This solves that problem and reduces the risk of you spreading germs as you reach into your jar to pull out the measuring cup, too.

3. You're clearing up drawer space!

I find measuring cups particularly annoying to store in a drawer because they are an awkward shape and don't nest totally flat. At least, mine don't, and they're always sliding around getting their handles caught on something. If you hang your measuring cups on canisters instead, you're clearing precious drawer space for other small utensils and gadgets.

4. It's not permanent.

If you find you want to change up what you store in a canister, you can simply remove the hook and put it somewhere else.

5. It doesn't take up much space.

Considering that any baking canisters I've seen with integrated measuring cups seem to have bulky hanging mechanisms to keep them up there, this method is pretty streamlined.

Had you already thought of this? Will you try it? Tell us in the comments below!

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