This Blogger Found the Best Pumpkin Pie on the Internet — Delicious Links

November 20, 2017

Are you on Thanksgiving pie duty this year? If you're having trouble sifting through all the pumpkin pie recipes on the internet (there are a lot of them!), then you might find this pumpkin pie taste test particularly helpful.

Blogger Erika, of the Pancake Princess, decided to test out 12 pumpkin pie recipes and do a tasting with friends to find the best one. It's hard work, but someone had to do it, right?

The testers ranked crust, filling, and overall pie for all 12 pies. They also answered a basic question: Would you want to eat this again?

Modern Honey, Four & Twenty Blackbirds, and Serious Eats earned the top spots for best crust, and Flour Bakery, Modern Honey, and BraveTart took top honors for best filling.

But who won best overall pie? Drumroll, please ...

Modern Honey! According to Erika, you should make this pie if you're into "a more hefty, cheesecake-like texture with a caramelized top and thicker, buttery crust." She notes that the pie is easy to make, but has a longer baking time, so prepare accordingly.

Also, we couldn't help but notice that Kitchn wasn't included in this taste test. We might be a little biased, but we think our classic pumpkin pie is a real winner.

Will you be making this pie from Modern Honey this Thanksgiving? Or do you have another go-to recipe?

Read through all the results: Best Pumpkin Pie Bake-Off from The Pancake Princess

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