
30-Minute Meals to Add to Your Meal Plan Right Now — Recipes from The Kitchn

August 27, 2017

When you're planning your meals for the week, it can be tempting to put the same five dinners on repeat. If it's not broke, why fix it, right? That's all well and good until everyone at the kitchen table, including yourself, can hardly stand another bite. Luckily we're here to help when that feeling sets in and you're desperate for something new.

These recipes are sure to add life to your meal plan. From skillet dinners to buttery pasta to meaty salads, these recipes are exactly what you need right at this moment. Oh, and here is the best part: Five of these recipes take no more than 30 minutes to make, and five are ready in 15 minutes.

30-Minute Meals

With just a half an hour on your hands, you can churn out something a whole lot more delicious than you might think. A skillet makes things like salmon, pork chops, and chicken cutlets into a full dinner when a few other ingredients are added to the mix. Switching out rice for orzo might turn risotto into orzotto, but it's faster and just as tasty.

15-Minute Meals

Can't even carve out 30 minutes for dinner? Don't worry about it — you can still get a great meal on the table that's more satisfying than scrambled eggs and more wholesome than takeout. Conveniences like frozen Asian dumplings and precooked chicken sausages help make speedy 15-minute meals a reality.

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