

December 16, 2020


Warm the milk (not super hot, just above body temp.). Stir in the yeast and let it sit for a few minutes to dissolve. Add the eggs, whisk them in well. Stir in the butter, salt and sugar to combine. Add 4 1/4 cups of the flour, reserve the rest for rolling them out. Stir everything together to combine, then dump the dough on a lightly floured surface. Knead the dough by pushing it with the heels of your hands and pulling it back to you on repeat for about 5 minutes. Roll it into a smooth little dough baby, cover it with a dish towel or plastic wrap and let it rise until it doubles in size. This time of year, since it’s a little chillier, this will take no less than an hour, likely two. Go do something else and just leave it alone.

While you’re waiting, stir the brown sugar, cinnamon and butter together. It should look like a thick paste. Roll the dough out into a 1/4” thick rectangle. No need to bust out a ruler, just guess. Spread the brown sugar butter mixture all across the top. Sprinkle pecan or walnut pieces in there if you like nuts. Starting with the long side, roll the dough down into a log. Cut the log into 14 pieces (you can make them smaller or larger to your preference). Arrange them with an inch of space between in one or two greased baking dishes. I don’t need 14 rolls for just my family, so I bake half in a 10” cast iron skillet and put the rest in a second baking dish to gift). (This much can be done a day in advance and leave them covered in the fridge. Whomever wakes up first in the morning, should pull them from the fridge so they can rest and rise for at least one hour before baking. You can also freeze them, and pull them out to the counter when you go to bed the evening prior to wanting to bake them) Cover the rolls loosely with a dish towel and let them rise another hour.

Preheat the oven to 350°. Bake the rolls on the middle rack for 20 minutes. While the rolls bake, whip up your frosting. In a stand mixer or with an electric mixer (or by hand with your strong muscles), mix the cream cheese and butter together until well combined and smooth (about 5 minutes in a stand mixer). Add the maple, powdered sugar, vanilla and pinch of salt and mix again. While the rolls are still warm but not piping hot, spread the frosting across the top and let it drip into the crannies. Enjoy warm!

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