Drop Acid

December 18, 2020

‘Tis the season for excess. Extra dollops of whipped cream, second helpings of stuffing, more generous pours of gravy; the general consensus is that if your dinner plate doesn’t look like your final meal, trying to cram all things edible into one last hurrah, you’re not living your best life during the holidays. I’m all for seasonal indulgence, especially when celebratory moments feel far and few between, but sometimes that extravagance comes back to bite you later.

Heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion, and bloating are all symptoms of a revelry gone awry. Call it a “food hangover” that doesn’t wait until the next morning to hit, taking swift revenge on immoderation. Little can be done to alleviate the pain until it passes, unless you have a homeopathic helper on your side.

Boiron Acidil meltaway tablets are made with plant-based active ingredients and can be taken on a full or empty stomach. Gentle and natural, there are no side effects nor drug interactions to worry about.

It’s important to note that as is the case for any supplement like Boiron Acidil, every person will have different results, because everyone’s body and digestive system is different. As an over-the-counter medicine, it’s not a gastrointestinal panacea, but a promising option that’s helped ease the suffering of many. There’s nothing to lose, since the key players A-galacto, Carbo Vegetabilis, and Lycopodium Clavatum have been proven safe and effective.

Finally, you can dig deep into your favorite comfort foods without any discomforting symptoms afterward! For me, that means another bowlful of Mac and Cheese, or if we’re getting fancy, an extra-large serving of Truffled Brussels Sprouts Gratin. You’ve got nothing to fear, except a food-induced nap later on! Enjoy the moment, the holidays, the memories, and the food, to the fullest.

This review was made possible as a collaboration with Moms Meet and Boiron. My opinions can not be bought and all content is original. This page may contain affiliate links; thank you for supporting my blog!

The post Drop Acid appeared first on BitterSweet.

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