
The ABC’s of CBD

June 25, 2018

Is it a true panacea, or modern day snake oil? CBD has been touted as alleviating an incredible spectrum of ills, including pain relief, treatment for depression and anxiety, reduced inflammation, and prevention of seizures, just for starters. As curiosity surrounding all forms of cannabis reaches fever pitch nationwide, amidst legalization for both medical and recreational use in a growing number of states, it’s easy to see why the field is exploding with new options everyday. With far-reaching benefits that sound appealing to pretty much anyone interested in improving their mental or physical health, I’ve been keeping a close eye on the topic, too. What is it, really, and how does it work?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is the non-psychoactive chemical extracted from leaves and flowers of cannabis plant. There’s no THC, so it doesn’t make you “high” or hallucinate. It can be blended into a plethora of other products, from sublingual oils to gummy bears and even topical lotions or balms. Believe it or not, amidst rigorous testing, NO negative side effects have been discovered yet, and there have been no recorded instances of overdose. Doesn’t that sound too good to be true? I thought so, but I simply had to try it for myself.

I started using PlusCBD Oil Capsules as a daily supplement with a strong dose of skepticism. The results were not ground-shaking nor miraculous, but I can’t deny feeling a subtle difference. Facing down an over-crowded bus at the height of rush hour didn’t seem nearly as daunting, and working under hard deadlines didn’t stress me out the way it normally would. The frequent fear of running late for anything, and everything, subsided to a more reasonable level of cautious planning. I could soon take a step back from strenuous situations to observe them from a more objective plane before addressing them pragmatically. This small shift is quite notable, coming from someone altogether too high-strung on a regular basis.

There’s a lot to be said for the pure PlusCBD Oil Drops, too. This format made it easy to blend into smoothies or oatmeal, and be able to share with Luka during travel. Though he had never flown before and hated his carrier with a ferocious passion, he sat serenely in my lap for the entire 6-hour fight. Was it the CBD oil, or just good behavior? It’s hard to say, but I have to think that the drops helped to some degree.

As the PlusCBD Oil range sold by CV Sciences is classified as a “health supplement,” it is legal for sale in all 50 states. This isn’t true of all brands, and quality can vary widely, so always be vigilant and do your research before selecting a supplement. I’m particularly fond of PlusCBD because all of the capsules are vegan (cellulose based) and is independently verified by 3rd party laboratories. If you’d like to give it a try for yourself (or your pets!), use the promo code momsmeet17 to receive 15% off online orders.

What do you think about the CBD craze? Have you tried it, or do you plan to soon? This is still a fledgling field so I want to hear all about your experiences!

This conversation was inspired by PlusCBD Oil and made possible by Moms Meet.

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