
Chocolate Peanut Butter Bites

June 24, 2018

Overhead shot of Chocolate Peanut Butter bites dusted in cocoa powder

I've found that I've occasionally forget to share some of the recipes we eat most in our house. One of the things we eat a lot of but rarely makes it to the site: snacks. We're a huge snack family and the tradition seems to be continuing with our little guy. Sometimes our favorite dinner is a platter of snacks.

The peanut butter bites have been a staple of our sweet-tooth snack section. However, my version got a rather large overhaul once I started making Sarah Waldman's version, from her cookbook. Over the past year or so I've been making small adaptions to the recipe, finally landing on the version below.

What I like most is that the recipe doesn't have to be exact. I've made this recipe about 50 different ways, usually using up whatever we have on hand. However, it's almost always guaranteed we have peanuts and peanut butters on hand, making these peanut butter bites quick and easy.

Read more and see the recipe.

The post Chocolate Peanut Butter Bites appeared first on Naturally Ella.

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