
You 100 Percent Need This Kitchen Essential (Now on Sale) — Amazon Deal of the Day

September 29, 2017

The salad spinner is one of those kitchen gadgets that most people don't think they need. And yet it is 100 percent essential in any kitchen. Obviously, yes, if you make a lot of salads at home, but also if you frequently cook with greens or fresh herbs.

If you don't have one already, consider this one from Cuisinart — it's currently more than 50 percent off on Amazon.

The velocity of the hand-crank spinner will dry off your greens and the built-in strainer allows for easy draining of excess water (without even having to remove the lid). The spinner locks into place for storage and you can totally use the clear base as a serving bowl (plus, we've got all sorts of other ideas on how to put your salad spinner to good use — see below!).

If you've been on the fence, $15 isn't too much to spend to give one a shot — especially one backed by a good name brand. Give it a try and you'll become a convert. We just know it!

Do you have a salad spinner? How often do you use it? Let us know in the comments below.

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