
This Is How Long Overnight Oats Will Last in the Fridge — Tips from The Kitchn

September 29, 2017

Overnight oats just may be the superstar of the make-ahead breakfast world. Not only do they require no cooking whatsoever, but they are also adaptable, wholesome, and satisfying. Start stirring up a handful of Mason jars of them at the start of each week and you're guaranteed to make a habit of it. How many jars can you actually make on Sunday night, though? If you make enough to get you through all five days of the work week, will they actually stay good until Friday?

How Long Overnight Oats Last

Overnight oats can be stored in an airtight container for up to five days in the refrigerator. The caveat is that they'll continue to soften the longer they sit — which might be a bonus if you like your oatmeal on the super-creamy side. They're definitely best on day one and two, when they are soft but still have retained some of that toothsome chew, but five days is the max. Over time, you'll find that the liquid will separate from the oats while the container sits in the fridge — just give it a quick stir to reincorporate everything before enjoying.

One strategy for still having this breakfast waiting for you in the fridge is to make them in batches of two to three jars. Over the course of the week, just tuck another jar into the fridge to replace the one you had for breakfast. See! Easy.

Related: 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Overnight Oats

One more note: If you're planning to store your overnight oats for the full four days, it's wise to leave out things like nuts, coconut flakes, granola, and fresh fruit, as they'll also soften while sitting in the fridge. Stir them into your serving just before digging in for the best results.

5 Overnight Oat Recipes to Try

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