
Amazon Wants to Deliver Chipotle to Your Doorstep and It's Not OK — Food News

September 26, 2017

Alright, I get it. Amazon is taking over the world one step at a time. For the most part, I have little qualms with that. They're a secure and trusted site that allows us one-click ordering for most items we need in a jiffy (something this writer appreciates fully living in cow-town Wisconsin). But their recent new partnership with food delivery service Olo has me scratching my head and taking a stand.

Sorry, Amazon, I don't want burrito delivery.

Fine, that's a lie, I do want burrito delivery. But more to the point, I'd like a crew of people to come to my house with the fine array of high-standard meats and ingredients and assemble burritos for me on the spot. I'm pretty sure that's what heaven is right? On-demand burrito making?

Our friends at Refinery29 tipped us off to Amazon's new partnership with Olo, who will be handling the menus and ordering process for the companies that have signed up (Chipotle and Five Guys, just to name a few). Then the ever-present web-giant will be using its new portal, Amazon Restaurants to handle the delivery.

Although that seems like it could be pretty flawless and a system that many people can trust, it also seems like it would have a drawback for the restaurants themselves. Sure, getting a burrito delivered so you don't have to leave the comfort of your pajamas sounds great, but I beg you to question the integrity of the dish that's being delivered.

Why are Chinese and Thai dishes such popular delivery options? What makes a pizza delivery work? Because basically the food is the same from the time it leaves the restaurant until it gets to your doorstep. Pizza cools down so you can eat it, sauces get extra gooey and delicious, but a burrito just will not stand for it!

This seems like a silly stance to take, but coming from someone who used to use the Chipotle app while living in Chicago to have a burrito ready for me upon my arrival (I only lived a few short blocks away) to skip the waiting in line part, I can attest to the fact that burrito shells become a hot mess. Burrito bowls are filled with wilted lettuce. Sour cream and guac become lukewarm and not a tasty crisp sensation that makes the balance of foods oh so perfect — and I was only traveling two blocks home!

Now, we're sure that this will be a success, as both companies are great at what they do, but maybe we should make our own burritos at home instead of having them delivered.

Need More Chipotle Goodness?

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