
The Most Stressed Cities In America Are Not Where You'd Assume — Apartment Therapy

September 28, 2017

When most people think about the most stressful American cities to live in, no doubt the ruthless rat race of NYC comes to mind, or the priciest metro Bay Area — even image-conscious Los Angeles. But it turns out the places around the U.S. where residents feel the most stressed out aren't in the big cities after all.

For a recently released study and in-depth infographic on stress levels in the U.S. by geography, Walletub analysts looked at 33 key indicators of stress to determine the places where Americans were actually the most stressed out — with data sets ranging from average hours worked per week to personal bankruptcy rate to share of adults getting adequate sleep, plus average weekly work hours to debt load to divorce and suicide rates.

According to the American Psychological Association, although stress levels in the US had hit their lowest point in a decade in 2016, they spiked up again in January with fears and anxiety related to the current political climate and perceived increases in violence. (Traditionally, stress factors that are consistently cited over the years include money, work, and the economy.)

Here are the top 10 most stressed-out cities in the US in 2017, according to WalletHub:

  1. Newark, New Jersey
  2. Detroit, Michigan
  3. Cleveland, Ohio
  4. Jackson, Mississippi
  5. Miami, Florida
  6. Birmingham, Alabama
  7. San Bernardino, California
  8. Rochester, New York
  9. Augusta, Georgia
  10. Shreveport, Louisiana

For loads more data cuts, infographics, views on the "state of stress" from various angles, and much detailed insight and methodology on these new findings, head over to WalletHub.com's Most & Least Stressed States and Most & Least Stressed Cities reporting.

More in the State of Our Emotions:

h/t Livestrong

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