Spiced Sweet Potato Wedges with Chive Cream | Pretty Simple Cooking

February 08, 2018

Spiced Sweet Potato Wedges with Chive Cream | Naturally Ella

Imagine if you will, traveling 4 hours to stay the weekend with 2 people (and a dog) you had never met. This is exactly how my first time went meeting Alex and Sonja from A Couple Cooks in early 2012. Back when I lived in Illinois, it was only a four hour drive over to Indy. We had been online friends for a bit but I knew they were something special (and it was SO true). Many years and a couple kids later, I still feel lucky to call them my friends and these awesome friends just published an amazing cookbook dedicated to simple vegetarian recipes: Pretty Simple Cooking.

These spiced sweet potato wedges are part of their side dish section but if you're me, you eat them for breakfast and possibly lunch. I love the warmth of the allspice and the simplicity of the chives + sour cream makes this dish easy. Best of all, that's pretty much the entire book (they don't call it pretty simple just for fun!) If you're looking for a bit of variation in your vegetarian cooking, I highly recommend picking up a copy of their book!

Read more and see the recipe.

The post Spiced Sweet Potato Wedges with Chive Cream | Pretty Simple Cooking appeared first on Naturally Ella.

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