Rachael Ray Might Break the Internet with This Pancake Recipe — Pop Culture

October 31, 2017

During my college years, my routine breakfast was to run through the dining hall and pick up a stack of pancakes, plop them in a napkin, and grab a small container of ranch dressing. I would then dip and eat on the go as I raced to class. So please, let the record state that I eat and enjoy weird pancake combinations and usually enjoy a savory pancake more than I do a sweet one.

But Rachael Ray might have just taken things too far. In fact, she might possibly break the internet with this ridiculous recipe for a pancake (if you can even call it that!).

In my mind, I think of the collective whole of social media as a mouse on a wheel. It's running, taking things in stride, and then, all of a sudden, something makes it fall right off its little legs. (Unicorn Frappuccinos and frozen peanut butter are just a few!)

This time it looks like Rachel Ray's Macaroni n Cheese Pancakes, which she published in 2012, are getting quite a bit of attention. Macaroni and cheese is delicious, pancakes are delicious, so why shouldn't they be together? Unfortunately I think this combo is kind of like socks and sandals. They are great as individual items, but together? Not so much.

The other thing to note is that this isn't exactly a macaroni and cheese pancake. It's more like pancake batter with shredded cheddar and cooked noodles folded in. The pancakes are also topped with maple syrup instead of, I don't know, something even more cheesy. This seems like a missed opportunity and is frankly a little upsetting.

What do you think? Would you try these pancakes? Let us know in the comments!

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