On any given day, the very most delicious thing in my freezer isn’t ice cream or popsicles or casseroles wrapped for the future- it’s biscuits. For a few years now, I’ve been pre-baking and bagging up baked flaky biscuits to reheat at a moment’s notice, and my family absolutely loves it. I’ve probably said this before, but secretly, I hope that freezer stash...

Potato Pancakes are savory crispy little cakes of goodness. You are going to love this fun way to prepare potatoes! These incredible pancakes go with so many things. Make these potato pancakes as a side dish to remember and serve with Chicken, Salmon or Steak, delicious! Easy Potato Pancakes Potato pancakes come by many names. They are also known as German kartoffelpuffer, and...

Make these Mint Hot Chocolate Bombs for your next special hot cocoa treat! It’s the new craze– making Hot Chocolate Bombs (otherwise known as Hot Cocoa Bombs). This is a fun way to make hot chocolate. Hot Chocolate Bombs are filled with hot cocoa mix and marshmallows. And in this Mint Hot Chocolate version, Peppermint Patties are added in as well to create...

The abundance of homegrown citrus this time of year in Los Angeles is a peak reason I love being a Californian. You see front yard Meyer lemon trees groaning with yellow orbs. Pomelos and grapefruits frame driveways, and trees impossibly heavy with oranges regularly warrant a double-take. Being surround with this much citrus is happy-making. Especially if you can get your hands on...

This week many of us are coming up on the anniversary of all sorts of things we had little idea would define the year ahead. I remember saying things like “these masks are really expensive but they’re all that’s available, should I buy them?” (yes, Deb, and also some flour) and “they can’t cancel school, can they?” and “we can still plan a...
7 Day Healthy Meal Plan (March 1-7) posted February 26, 2021 by Gina A free 7-day, flexible weight loss meal plan including breakfast, lunch and dinner and a shopping list. All recipes include calories and updated WW Smart Points. 7-Day Healthy Meal Plan So keeping in the theme of Meatless Mondays and Lenten Fridays–here are some vegetarian and fish recipes to check out-and...

One word: Elotes. Well actually, to be more precise, two words: VEGAN elotes. Why there aren’t more, or any in Austin proper, is beyond me. Here, in the land of tacos and herbivores, why can’t I just get a simple cup full of dairy-free yet creamy, cheesy corn? Is that really asking so much? Happily, Barrio Verde is now on the scene, answering...

Beef Stew with Red Wine is a nice, hearty stew with a rich and thick gravy. It has great flavor, and it has been a family favorite for dinner. This is a simple recipe to make (originally from Bon Appetit magazine), but it does require some tending to and simmering time. So choose a late afternoon or evening to make this beef stew...