
Bryant Terry’s Amazing Green Rice

March 13, 2020

Hi all, I hope everyone is hanging in there during all of this uncertainty. I’ve been trying to stay off my phone and focus instead on doing things that are positive and productive close to home. There’s a lot of cooking and baking going on and I wanted to share this gem of a recipe. It’s an amazing green rice from Bryant Terry’s new book, Vegetable Kingdom. If you’ve got some greens on hand, and some rice, you must, must, must make it. It really is so good. A blender of green juice made from kale, spinach, and a creamy stock is cooked with onions, garlic, green pepper, and long-grain rice. It all cooks together into an intensely green and fragrant pot of fluffy grains.

Bryant Terry's Amazing Green Rice

Give it a Try, Really!

Let me just also say, I know some of you are shy about cooking rice.  Even if you think you’re no good at cooking it, push those thoughts aside and give this recipe a try. It’s worth a go. Because even if you don’t nail your rice perfectly, close enough is good enough here, and you can make adjustment based on your experience the next time around! Also, consider doubling the recipe while you’re at it, its a great way to up your greens consumption. I’m going to list the ways I’ve been using this green rice for leftovers below.
Bryant Terry's Amazing Green Rice

Green Rice Leftover Ideas

There are so many(!) things you can do with leftover green rice. Here are a few to consider.

Fried rice: Cook day-old rice in a skillet with extra garlic, a bit of chopped up omelette, a bit of tofu, maybe add a handful of broccoli?

Onigiri: Shape the green rice into chubby triangles and pan-fry until crusted and golden. You can even tuck a bit of tofu or a few edamame into the center for added surprise.

Green Burrito with Guacamole: Do a version of this quinoa burrito, but use this green rice in place of the quinoa.

Green Rice Soup: Make a green version of this rice soup (I actually made this for dinner last night) – basically thin the rice out to desired consistency with stock or water, season, and go from there with toppings, etc.

Green Rice Cakes: Whisk an egg or two into the rice (1 for each cup of rice), shape into patties and pan-fry into rice cakes.

Whole Grain Green Rice: Do a version using brown basmati or brown jasmine rice. Up the liquid, and cooking time a bit based on the rice you’re using, and package instructions.
Bryant Terry author of Vegetable Kingdom

Topping Ideas

It’s all about the crunch here. Toasted nuts, crispy shallots, toasted nori, citrus zest, sesame seeds, crumbled kale chips.
Bryant Terry author of Vegetable Kingdom
More ways to find Bryant! On Instagram, his site, on Twitter.

Continue reading Bryant Terry’s Amazing Green Rice on 101 Cookbooks

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