Happier Holidays – A Latte CBD Joy

November 30, 2018

Dashing through the snow,
In a 200 horsepower hybrid fuel vehicle,
Over the hills we go,
Screaming a the way.
Oh Ho, No!

Wait, that’s not how the sing goes? Then why is my head throbbing with Christmas carols and an endless to-do list of shopping, cooking, cleaning, and decorating to accomplish before the holidays hit? Pressure is mounting to make this short window of time as magical as a story tale, which inevitably turns it into quite the opposite experience. I know I’m not alone here based on the crazed, deranged looks staring back at me during many errand runs. Plans for a low-key celebration can quickly snowball out of control into a grand fete and before you know it, a dizzying array of demands await. Coordinating parties and managing difficult house guests, leave little space for anything but dread.

Let’s all take a moment to breathe, shall we? Peace and harmony aren’t just platitudes to espouse on seasonal greeting cards, and they certainly won’t manifest in such a state of extreme anxiety. While you can’t wrap it up with a shiny bow or have it shipped straight to your door in two days or less, taking care of your emotional well-being is really the greatest gift you can give this season. It may not seem like the most effective approach would start with a shot of espresso, but when you add a dose of CBD into the brew, the restorative results are unmistakable.

CBD oil has made a world of difference for me personally, especially at times of utmost stress. Extracted from the leaves, stem, and flowers of the hemp plant, has no psychoactive properties, is legal in all 50 states, and readily found online. Consistently relieving anxiety, depression, inflammation, and nausea in early studies, it’s not just a Christmas miracle, but an everyday life preserver. Getting a therapeutic dose is easier than ever now, since you can find it bundled up in supplements, edibles, topical creams, and CBD vape oil, beyond just a straight tincture. That said, plain, unflavored oil is the most versatile for incorporating into recipes if pills simply don’t hold any appeal.

When it comes to culinary applications, a good rule of thumb is to substitute 3/4 to 1 teaspoon CBD oil for every serving of whatever oil is called for. That means if you were making a vinaigrette that yields four servings, remove 3 – 4 teaspoons of olive oil and replace it with CBD infusion. Take into consideration the strength of the oil when calibrating your formula as well, since quality can vary wildly between brands. In recipes meant for one, it’s much simpler; just give yourself one dose, as in the case for this balancing, calming, and simultaneously invigorating peppermint mocha latte.

Velvety frothed dairy-free milk meets the bracing bitterness of bold espresso, all tempered by a subtle undertone of chocolate indulgence. A light touch of peppermint evokes nostalgic memories of candy canes pulled off tinsel-wrapped presents, cool and refreshing, soothing and sweet. This unbeatable flavor sensation would be every bit as delicious without the added medicinal benefits, but not quite as effective for balancing out unreasonable mood instability.

It’s not hard to make the holidays a bit more merry and a little less scary.

CBD Peppermint Mocha Latte

1 Cup Unsweetened Non-Dairy Milk*
1 Shot (1.5 Ounces) Hot Espresso or 3 Tablespoons Strong Brewed Coffee
2 Tablespoons Vegan Chocolate Syrup
1/4 Teaspoon Peppermint Extract
1 Dropper-Full CBD Oil
Cocoa Powder (Optional, for Garnish)

*For best results, seek out a “barista blend” that’s formulated specifically to make a richer micro-foam. Otherwise, soy generally works best due to the protein content, but nut milks are a good choice for a lighter option. Avoid rice milk unless there’s no other option, as it tends to be watery and bland.

Place the non-dairy milk in a small saucepan over medium-low heat. Gently bring up to about 100 degrees, or until just hot enough that you can only comfortably hold a finger in it for a few seconds. You don’t want it to boil. Alternately, you can warm it in the microwave for about two minutes.

Whisk vigorously until frothy or use an aerator or blender to help speed up the process. Add in the espresso, chocolate syrup, peppermint extract, and CBD oil, mixing to combine.

This recipe can be doubled, tripled, or quadrupled effortlessly to treat a crowd, but in that case, make sure the final mixture is whisked very thoroughly to ensure that the oil is equally distributed throughout. It’s important that the dose isn’t too strong or too weak when divided into individual mugs. On the other hand, you can skip the CBD oil if you merely want an uplifting coffee break to help power through a busy winter day.

Top with a light sprinkle of cocoa powder if desired, to garnish. Serve right away and take in a moment of holiday harmony.

Makes 1 Serving

Printable Recipe

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