
What’chu Takuan About?

October 07, 2022

To most Americans, it’s that strange yellow thing in vegetable sushi. Salty, crunchy, and plant-based, it’s otherwise unidentifiable. Those in the know will recognized then as tsukemono, aka “pickled things,” or more specifically oshinko, which is a pickle made with salt. Daikon radish, a woefully under appreciated vegetable, gets to play the leading role here, slowly morphing from bright white to luminous shade akin to saffron.

All it takes is time, and lots of it. Traditionally, daikon are sun-dried for a few weeks before ever seeing brine, where they then ferment for months. That process alone creates the signature golden hue, although most manufacturers today take shortcuts. Artificial coloring is used liberally, in addition to chemical preservatives and high-fructose corn syrup. These practices are so widespread that few people even know what proper takuan should taste like.

There’s no going back once you cross that line. Ever since getting a bite of authentic takuan, pickled from sun-dried daikon grown in Miyazaki, mass-produced takuan have been ruined for me. It’s impossible to replicate that distinctive crunch, subtly nutty undertone, gentle sweetness, and gently tart flavor. The seasonings serve to enhance the natural flavor of the daikon, rather than cover it up. Like an addict, I’m forever chasing that same high.

“Simple” doesn’t always equate to “easy,” and while it requires little labor, summoning the patience for these pickles to properly mature can be more difficult than the most complex preparation. Ideally, you should set aside two to four full weeks to achieve the proper texture and flavor using traditional methods. Time is the ultimate secret ingredient that no machines can replicate and no amount of money can buy. That said, modern technology can help a good deal; use a dehydrator to expedite the process if you’re worried about leaving food out in the open for that long, don’t have ideal conditions for drying, or just want to get down to the good stuff sooner.

Rich in natural probiotics, takuan is good for your gut, too! No proper Japanese meal is complete without a few slices to contrast with a rich entree, cutting through heavier tastes with a clean, crisp palate cleanser. Once you’ve had the real deal, there’s no going back.

Yield: Makes 4 - 6 Servings

Takuan (Pickled Daikon Radish)

Takuan (Pickled Daikon Radish)

Sunny yellow, resoundingly crunchy, clean and crisp in flavor; takuan are the Japanese pickles you've been craving! All it takes is a daikon radish and patience.

Additional Time 28 days
Total Time 28 days


  • 1 (Approximately 1 Pound) Daikon Radish, Peeled
  • 2 Teaspoons Salt (Non-Iodized)
  • 2 Tablespoons Rice Vinegar
  • 1 Tablespoon Sake
  • 1 1/2 Teaspoons Soy Sauce
  • 1 - 2 Drops Liquid Stevia Extract or 1 - 2 Tablespoons Granulated Sugar
  • Water, as Needed
  • 1/8 Teaspoon Turmeric (Optional)


  1. Rub salt all over the exterior of the daikon radish and place it on a plate lined with a paper towel or clean dish cloth. Set it in a warm, sunny place, uncovered, for 5 - 14 days, until slightly shriveled and dry to the touch. The longer you can wait, the crunchier it will be.
  2. Alternately, to speed up the process, dehydrate at 170 degrees for 6 - 12 hours for similar results. This can sometimes be achieved using a conventional oven if it can be set low enough.
  3. Once dried, transfer the daikon to a shallow dish and add the vinegar, sake, soy sauce, stevia or sugar, and enough water to cover. If you'd like it to be a brighter yellow color, add in the turmeric as well. Cover and let marinate in the fridge for another 7 - 14 days, until the flavor as as concentrated as you'd like.
  4. Slice thinly and enjoy chilled.

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Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:

Amount Per Serving: Calories: 12Carbohydrates: 2gFiber: 1gProtein: 0.35g

All nutritional information presented within this site are intended for informational purposes only. I am not a certified nutritionist and any nutritional information on BitterSweetBlog.com should only be used as a general guideline. This information is provided as a courtesy and there is no guarantee that the information will be completely accurate. Even though I try to provide accurate nutritional information to the best of my ability, these figures should still be considered estimations.

© Hannah Kaminsky
Cuisine: Japanese / Category: Dips, Dressings, Sauces, Spreads, and Condiments

The post What’chu Takuan About? appeared first on BitterSweet.

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