Gluten-Free Buckwheat Sandwich Bread {vegan, no yeast}

January 28, 2021

My crusty, high-rising, fine-textured, gluten-free buckwheat sandwich bread will please everyone! Easy to make, it is also vegan, oil-free, sugar-free, yeast-free and perfectly delicious.

a sliced loaf of gluten-free bluckwheat bread on an artisan wood cutting board.

The Best Gluten-Free Vegan Bread

That heading is quite a promise. But this recipe delivers! I've been squirreled away in my kitchen (thank you, January, for being cold, gray and drizzly--the ideal working conditions for days spent baking), working on an easy, gluten-free, vegan bread recipe that is pretty darn close to foolproof.

In particular, I wanted a gluten bread that RISES (and stays risen!). Without eggs. Without yeast. Without xanthan gum. Without aquafaba. A bread with a fine, dry texture similar to wheat bread. Oh, and a neutral flavor, too, that goes with just about everything and (here we go) passes muster with my "regular bread"-loving husband and son.

No biggie, right? 

Well, it was a major biggie in terms of brainstorming, testing, and tweaking. But also 100% worth it. Because of THIS: (totally fabulous, son and husband-approved) Gluten-Free Buckwheat Sandwich Bread!!! (It totally deserves three exclamation points).

slice of bread with a bite taken out

Recipe Benefits

Oh, this bread. If you love a scrumptious, filling slice of whole grain bread, this bread ticks all of the boxes. Plus, it is:

  • Gluten-free
  • Vegan (egg-free & dairy-free}
  • Yeast-free
  • Oil-free
  • Sugar-free
  • High in fiber (4.1 g per slice)
  • Minimal ingredients
  • Easy

The (Very Short) List of Ingredients

overhead shot of the ingredients to make buckwheat bread, all on a white background

Akin to so many traditional white flour breads, this straightforward recipe has few ingredients besides flour, water and leavening. Here is what you will need:

  • Buckwheat flour
  • Brown rice flour
  • Whole psyllium husks (not psyllium powder)
  • Baking powder 
  • Baking soda
  • Salt (always optional/adjustable)
  • Water
  • Cider vinegar

I added some sesame seeds and and rolled oats on top for visual interest, but they are optional.

Tip: Grind Your Own Flour

If you have a high speed blender, you can grind your own flour (from whole buckwheat groats or brown rice) in about 60 seconds. It is as simple as chucking it in and blending on high speed (oh yes, do put the lid on. Sometimes I forget... :)). Place any extra flour in an airtight bag or container and freeze until next time (trust me, you are going to make this bread more than once).

Vinegar Options

Any other vinegar--light or dark--can be used in place of the cider vinegar. If you do not have vinegar, or do not use it for dietary reasons, substitute an equal amount of lemon or lime juice.

Step By Step Instructions

Making this bread is easy, but it has a step that is (most likely) different than other bread you have made. Hint: squishing is involved. 

Ready? Here we go.

2 photo collage of the wet and dry ingredients being mixed for gluten free buckwheat bread

Step One: Mix the Dry Ingredients. 

Whisk the buckwheat flour, brown rice flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a large mixing bowl until blended. Nothing unusual with this step.

Step Two: Combine the Wet Ingredients and Psyllium.

Whisk the water, vinegar, and psyllium husk in a medium mixing bowl. Let the mixture stand for about 5 minutes to thicken. If whole psyllium husk is new to your ingredients wheelhouse, this step is less usual. The psyllium mixture will begin to set into a loose, pale gel almost immediately (similar to flax and chia gels but less sticky than the former).

Step Three: Squish!

ball of buckwheat bread dough in a clear glass bowl

Let the squishing begin! I advise washing your hands again because they will be your best tools for mixing.

Add the psyllium mixture to the flour mixture and start mixing/squishing with your hands to combine the wet and the dry.  It is not hard, but squishing, as opposed to stirring, is the most efficient way to combine the the mixtures into a dough. Do not add more liquid. The dough will come together in about a minute or two of squishing.

Roughly shape the dough into a ball while it is still in the bowl.

If you do not want to use your hands, a standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment is the best option. 

Step Four: Shape the Dough.

buckwheat bread dough in a parchment paper lined glass loaf baking pan

Wash any excess dough off of your hands. With still moist hands, shape the dough ball into a loaf shape to fit a 9x5-inch (22.5 x 12.5 cm). Place the loaf in the pan (lined with parchment and/or sprayed or greased). Smooth the top and gently press into shape, rounding the corners and sides.

If you like sprinkle the surface of the loaf with the optional toppings.

Step Five: Bake the Bread.

Bake the bread in a preheated 325F (160C) oven for 90 minutes until risen (it has a significant rise!), and the surface of the bread appears golden brown, dry, and crusty. The bread will also sound hollow when tapped.

Let the bread cool, in the pan, on a cooling rack for 15 minutes.

buckwheta bread in a baking pan, cooling on a wire cooling rack

Remove the bread from the pan (remove the parchment paper) and cool the loaf completley on a cooling rack.

Isn't this a beautiful loaf?a loaf of vegan gluten-free bread on a wire cooling rack

Slice it Thick or Thin

overhead shot of buckwheat bread being sliced with a serrated knife

Slice the bread thick or thin for sandwiches and toast. This is a sturdy bread (no crumbling!).

What is the Texture & Taste?

First, texture: This is a fine-textured, firm bread (ZERO gumminess), with a very pleasant crust. The texture is akin to a traditional bread made with all-purpose flour. The crust is even more pronounced (in the most wonderful way) a day after baking. Toasting the bread results in a crisp, crunchy, filling slice. 

Taste: The flavor of the bread is very mild and whole-grain toasty, similar to a whole wheat bread. The stronger flavor of buckwheat is made mellow by the neutral flavor of the rice flour. Use the bread for every kind of topping and filling, savory or sweet, you crave!

slice of buckwheat bread with oat and seed toppings


Can I use different flours (in place of the buckwheat flour and brown rice flour)?

I do not recommend it. The proportion of wet and dry ingredients, as well as the quantity of psyllium husk, is particular to the buckwheat flour and brown rice flour combination. The one exception is quinoa flour, which generally works well as a substitute for brown rice flour. I plan to experiment with other flours and ratios in the days and weeks to come--I will share the successes, I promise.

Can I Use Something Other than Whole Psyllium Husks?

Alas, no, it must be whole psyllium husks. Other gelling agents, such as flaxseed meal or chia seeds, will not work as direct substitutes (they might work, but it would involve some experimenting to determine their efficacy).

I also do not recommend psyllium powder. It can work as a substitute for the whole husks in some recipes, but not with this bread.

overhead shot of vegan rice bread cut into slces, on a wood cutting board

Happy baking! Let me know if you give this a try :).

More Vegan Gluten-Free Buckwheat Recipes to Try

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