
White Chocolate Raspberry Tarts

February 10, 2020

White Chocolate Raspberry Tarts by Wood and Spoon. These are white chocolate and raspberry ganache tarts topped with whipped cream and filled into a shortbread press in crust. These pink tarts are cute for Valentine's Day or any other pinkies out kind of event. Find the recipe and how to for these simple make ahead treats on thewoodandspoon.com

Learning new stuff as an adult is hard, right? As a kid, we pop off our training wheels or picked up a new instrument like it was no problem, with no hesitation at all. My kids race up and down stairs and climb on jungle gyms with no fear because it simply doesn’t exist for them. But us adults? Man, that stuff is for the birds. This past week we traveled to Vail, Colorado for a few days of skiing with friends and our 6-year old, Aimee. This was my third time skiing in my life, and it never seems to get any easier. Physically, my body is okay with it, but mentally, I’m a train wreck. By the amount of fear in my eyes, you’d guess I was on a double black diamond with zero visibility, but in reality, I’m going 0.7 MPH on a slope that is basically flat. The anxiety is totally irrational, I know, but there’s no denying it’s there.

White Chocolate Raspberry Tarts by Wood and Spoon. These are white chocolate and raspberry ganache tarts topped with whipped cream and filled into a shortbread press in crust. These pink tarts are cute for Valentine's Day or any other pinkies out kind of event. Find the recipe and how to for these simple make ahead treats on thewoodandspoon.com

At the same token, I’ve also taken up piano. Although I took lessons briefly as a middle schooler, 20 years away from the keys have faded most of whatever skill I acquired in that little time. Even so, I’m loving the chance to experiment and dabble in something that feels new. It’s challenging, no doubt, but the whole process also instills a sense of pride. Like, hey! Check out this old dog learning new tricks! We as humans aren’t wired to just sit back and play it safe, even though that’s what we usually end up doing. While it’s okay to stay in your wheelhouse and plug away at whatever your gifting is, it’s also incredibly fulfilling to step out of our comfort zones and into something new. When you succeed, even if it’s just skiing the beginner hill or playing something silly like “Chopsticks,” it changes something. You’re bolstered with a confidence to do more, press in, or risk it with something new. Do you know what I mean? Skiing is probably not for me, but I’m proud to say that trying new stuff isn’t just for kids. It’s for me and you too.

White Chocolate Raspberry Tarts by Wood and Spoon. These are white chocolate and raspberry ganache tarts topped with whipped cream and filled into a shortbread press in crust. These pink tarts are cute for Valentine's Day or any other pinkies out kind of event. Find the recipe and how to for these simple make ahead treats on thewoodandspoon.com

These white chocolate raspberry tarts are a new-t0-me sort of thing. I’m no stranger to ganache (remember my tutorial from a couple of years ago?) , but I’ve never made fruit-flavored ganache. The slightest bit of fresh raspberry juice makes these white chocolate raspberry tarts the prettiest shade of pink, and I think they may be the perfect treats for any of your upcoming Valentine’s Day events. Would you judge me if I told you that I added the raspberries 100% for that aesthetic pink? (Spoiler Alert: I totally did.)

White Chocolate Raspberry Tarts by Wood and Spoon. These are white chocolate and raspberry ganache tarts topped with whipped cream and filled into a shortbread press in crust. These pink tarts are cute for Valentine's Day or any other pinkies out kind of event. Find the recipe and how to for these simple make ahead treats on thewoodandspoon.com

To make them, we start with a simple press-in crust. Butter, powdered sugar, vanilla, and flour come to together in a crumbly, shortbread-esque crust that gets pressed into the bottoms of 6 teeny tart pans. I like the ones with the removable bottoms so that they all pop out nicely. After baking, the white chocolate raspberry tarts are filled with the ganache. Fresh raspberries are pressed of their juice and warmed on the stove with some heavy cream. The warm mixture gets sent through a sieve to remove any seeds and combined with the white chocolate. Once combined, the mixture is pale pink, smooth, and ready to pour into the prepared tart shells.

White Chocolate Raspberry Tarts by Wood and Spoon. These are white chocolate and raspberry ganache tarts topped with whipped cream and filled into a shortbread press in crust. These pink tarts are cute for Valentine's Day or any other pinkies out kind of event. Find the recipe and how to for these simple make ahead treats on thewoodandspoon.com

Once the ganache has set up, the white choclate raspberry tarts are ready for serving! You can decorate them with whipped cream, fresh berries, or even extra chocolate and dried roses like I did here. After all, what’s more romantic for Valentine’s Day than chocolate and roses? Give these little tarts a try and let me know what you think! Happy Valentine’s Day, y’all, and happy baking!

White Chocolate Raspberry Tarts by Wood and Spoon. These are white chocolate and raspberry ganache tarts topped with whipped cream and filled into a shortbread press in crust. These pink tarts are cute for Valentine's Day or any other pinkies out kind of event. Find the recipe and how to for these simple make ahead treats on thewoodandspoon.com

If you like these white chocolate raspberry tarts you should try:

Double Chocolate Ganache Tart
Blood Orange Swirl Cheesecake Tarts
Raspberry Streusel Cake
Berry Rhubarb Tart


White Chocolate Raspberry Tarts

These white chocolate raspberry tarts have a fruit ganache filling and a soft shortbread crust. Plus they’re pink- so cute!

  • Author: Kate Wood
  • Prep Time: 15
  • Cook Time: 15
  • Total Time: 120
  • Yield: 6
  • Category: Dessert


For the crust:

  • ¾ cup (170 gm) unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 11/2 cups (180 gm) confectioner’s sugar
  • 11/2 cups (210 gm) all-purpose flour

For the filling:

  • Scant 2 cups (300 gm) white chocolate chips
  • 1 cup (140 gm) fresh or frozen and thawed raspberries
  • 1/2 cup (120 mL) heavy whipping cream

For decoration:

  • Fresh raspberries
  • Grated white chocolate
  • Lemon zest
  • Whipped cream
  • Whatever sounds delicious!


To prepare the crusts:

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Cream the butter in a medium-sized mixing bowl until smooth. Add the vanilla and confectioner’s sugar and stir on low until combined. Stir the flour in on low until a crumbly mixture forms. When you press it between your fingers it should pack like wet sand. Divide the mixture between the 6- 4” tart pans with removable bottoms (I used about ½ cup in each pan) and press into the sides and bottom of the pan in an even layer. I find it’s easiest to press into the sides first and then smooth the remaining dough into the bottom. Place the tart pans on a rimmed baking sheet and place in the oven to pan until firm, about 13-15 minutes. Remove from oven to cool completely.

To prepare the filling:

  1. Pour the white chocolate chips in a microwave and heat-safe bowl. Combine the raspberries and heavy cream in a heavy bottomed pan over medium-low heat. Use a potato masher to crush the raspberries and release their juices as your slowly heat the mixture. Once mashed and the mixture has barely began to bubble, remove from heat and use a fine mesh sieve to strain the mixture into the bowl of the white chocolate chips. Use a rubber spatula to smoosh any remaining juice or cream into the bowl but keep the raspberry seeds out (unless you’re into that kind of thing!) Use a whisk to stir the mixture and melt the white chocolate chips. If they don’t melt down completely, put the bowl into the microwave for 10 second increments to melt. Keep stirring and microwaving until all of the chocolate has melted. Divide the mixture into each cooled tart shell and allow to set up until completely firm. I like to do this at room temperature as opposed to the fridge. Some bubbles may pop up in the first few minutes and you can use a toothpick to pop those if you want. Once the tarts have set up you can place in the fridge to chill (if you want) or just go ahead and garnish and serve! 

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